The Link element represents an Link Block in the Webflow Designer.
Property | Description | Type | Example |
id | Unique identifier for the element composed of two identifiers, the component and the element . | object | {component: "64c813...", element: "5edf8e59-71f9..."} |
type | Specifies the type of the element. | string | "Link" |
children | Indicates whether the element can contain child elements. | boolean | false |
customAttributes | Indicates whether the element can have custom attributes. | boolean | true |
styles | Indicates whether the element can contain styles. | boolean | true |
textContent | Indicates whether the element can contain text content | boolean | false |
Get the target value of the link block element.
element.getTarget(): Promise<null | string | Page | AnyElement | Asset>;
Promise<null | string | Page | AnyElement | Asset>
A Promise that resolves to an the target value of the link. The target value can be a string, Page, Element, or an Asset object.
const elements = await webflow.getAllElements() // Get All Elements
const links = elements.filter((element) => element.type === 'Link') // Filter for Link elements
// Print target value of each link element
for (const link of links) {
const targetValue = await link.getTarget()
console.log(`ID: ${}, Target Value: ${targetValue}`)
Designer Ability
Checks for authorization only
Designer Ability | Locale | Branch | Workflow | Sitemode |
canAccessCanvas | any | any | any | any |
element.setSettings(mode, target, metadata)
element.setSettings(mode, target, metadata)
Apply settings for a Link Block element. Including the type of link, its value, and metadata settings.
mode: 'url' | 'page' | 'pageSection' | 'email' | 'phone' | 'attachment';
target: string | Page | Element | Asset;
metadata?: {openInNewTab?: boolean; subject?: string;}): Promise<null>
- Mode: enum - The type of link to set. Can be a url, email, or phone number; a link to another page or pageSection; as well as an attachment.
- Target: string | Page | Element | Asset - The value of the link. The value type determined by the selected mode. For example, if the link mode is "attachment" the method expects an Asset object.
- Metadata: object - Optional metadata for link settings:
- openInNewTab: boolean - Choose to open the link in a new tab
- subject: string - The subject line of an
A Promise that resolves to null
// Get Selected Element
const element = await webflow.getSelectedElement()
if (element) {
const newLink = await element.after(webflow.elementPresets.LinkBlock) // Create new link element
await newLink.setSettings('url', '', {openInNewTab: true}) // Set link element settings
const targetValue = await newLink.getTarget() // Get target value
Designer Ability
Checks for authorization only
Designer Ability | Locale | Branch | Workflow | Sitemode |
canEdit | Ant | Any | Canvas | Any |